Trophy Cabinet

2011 Discheads BUML d2 champions
 DHs beat What The Huck 
2011 WonderWomen WUFL champions
 WonderWomen beat SuperTramps
2010 Discheads BUML d2 champions
DHs beat Dysneoics

2010 WonderWomen WUFL champions

Wonder Women beat Moulin Rouge

2010 Brisbane Indoor Champs
Heroes wins the tournament team spirit award
gift - chess set of shot glasses

2010 Halibut
Heroes wins the tournament team spirit award
gift - chess set of shot glasses

 2010 Season 1 Heroes BUML awards:
M.V.P. Chris Brown
Best & Fairest Alana Folkes
Most Improved Vennessa Browm

2010 Season 1 Brisbane Premier League
M.V.P. Adam Beu aka Jangles
Spirit Award Heroes BPL

These people and teams have done the Heroes Club proud and congratulations to them all


  1. So will the Brisbane Indoor Ultimate Championships trophy enter the cabinet?

  2. Drinks-cooler backpack* (Spirit prize for the 2010 Brisbane Indoor Ultimate Champs)
