Saturday, July 17, 2010

Brisbane Indoor Ultimate Championships

The Brisbane Indoor Ultimate Championship will be held on the public holiday Ekka Wednesday, 11 August.

As we as a club now have a reputant to enter into every league and tourny, we will now again put a call out for interest to play. I think the cost is $130 tbc. And just check I could be wrong but Im fairly sure its just the one day on competition. Indoor ultimate is different to outdoor and rules are different. Max team rosters are 8 and 5 on a court at once. read more here about the rules.

Comment to express interest


  1. I would be keen to play. Reading through the rules it seems to be the same as the rules for the Krazy Khaos Kapers pick up game that Adilia organised earlier this year.

  2. I played a game of pickup with Adilia once and suggested semi continuous play (as used in indoor) and she decided to use it for Krazy Kaos Kapers. So you are right on the money there Chris!

    I highly recommend this tourney to everyone, it was awesome and its a great way to develop your short dishy game and handler cuts.

    To confirm Carl, yes it is only one day.

  3. Getting organised early this time! Normally I'm firmly opposed to indoor ultimate, but I could bring out the Heroes jersey for a one-day tourney :-)

  4. I was in the same tourney last year, it was great fun! Very different to outdoor ultimate - a real oppotunity to work on your precision, short cuts and positional play.
    It's also a great leveler, as there is so much less 'field' to run, and everyone can throw a full-court huck!

    Oh, and this is me registering my interest, by the way.

  5. There is now a Heroes team up there for players to register on.

    And Adilia stole my continuous rule from last year's Indoor!
