Thursday, December 9, 2010

Catching Training Sunday

After rain spoilt the last couple of opportunities, this Sunday is shaping up to be a great chance to continue the planned training sessions.  This Sunday will focus on catching and developing some of the subtle aspects that contribute to good catching.

Naturally, followed by a game. Any questions/ suggestions, email me, Spaz, or Danny.


  1. I'm looking forward to this. I've heard nothing but good things about the throwing and coaching sessions he held last week. Can't wait!

  2. Unfortunately I cant make it Huddy Ive got a cellar afternoon on... It may affect other heroes peeps too :(

  3. Yeah I am attending Carl's cellar afternoon too. Sebastian according to facebook you too are attending??

    Also, have you looked at the weather for Saturday Sunday? Rain at times and possible thunderstorm forecast?

  4. !! Very true, I also won't be able to make it. I was looking forward to it too :(

  5. perhaps another day would be better then?
