Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's Dance To Joy Division

By now most will have heard that frisbee tonight is cancelled because of rain so come along to Archive (100 Boundary Street, West End) for some company with frisbee friends. Friends and family are welcome too!

If interested in dinner (Monday special is $10 burgers) come along at around 7pm or any time after for liquid training and/or the darts competition.

P.S. This counts as training so people wanting to play Mixed Nationals NEED to come.

P.P.S. That last part is a lie.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend getting a $10 burger from Grill'd instead, which is next door, or a Chip Sandwich (yes, it's on the menu!) from the Hi-Fi Bar.

    AO are defecting for Pizza at BevJuan's house
