Friday, May 25, 2012

BUML Round 12

Div 2
This week sees a tough draw for each of the Club's teams, but as finals loom - anything can happen.

Bermuda Triangle vs. Heroes – Easts 2
Well, this is 1st plays 5th. BT aren't gonna pull any punches, and rightly so. With that said, there aren't many people getting around Brisbane that don't know the BT zone. The real question will be how the Heroes handlers and poppers work together. Let’s hope they get a full line.

BT win by many.

What the Huck vs. Discheads – Easts 3
Discheads are probably 3 wins from booking a place deep in the finals. I had great hopes for this team this season, and they haven't disappointed. I've watched a couple of their games, and when they don't slack off and play quite pretty ultimate. However, what WTH? lack in flowing under based offense; they more than make up in 'bombs'. Regular puts from Trev and TJ are usually brought down for the score.

WTH win by a couple

Tsunami vs. Agents – Gap 1
3rd vs. 6th, and so likely to be a very hard game for the Agents. Tsunami heavily rely Heather and Erik, but still manage to use the whole line. Nice one guys! With that said so do the Agents, I'm just not sure they can quite challenge the Big Waves.

Tsunami win like it’s going out of style.

Div 1
UQ Lovers vs. White Lantern – Gap 2
I love playing against (and with) Lovers. They are great fun, and play hard. Lanterns are also great, that’s why I play with them. However, both teams are in a race for third and (in theory anyways) easier game in the first week of finals. Gref, as usual, will play a major role in determining the result of the game.  Hmmm, but other than that I think both teams are even across the board. I'm eager to get a win (and ease some pain from Thursday night).

WL by just a sprinkle.

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