Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Season 2 BUML div 2

Here's a look at our likely Rosters for BUML div2. The Season starts next Monday 28 June. It is possible that slight changes may be made to these line ups but they should be pretty close to this:

Jo Ashdown (vc?)
Sarah Thompson
Katie Truss
Lisa Hirsimaki
Chantelle Smith
Brianna Fyffe

Craig Behrendorff
Chris Brown
Chris Fox
Sebastian Brown (c)
Alex Thompson
Matt Schultz

F=6 M=6

Meagan Bulley
Laura Hampel
Laura Sonter
Chloe Nielson

Tomsteve Daley
Sean Mailander (c)
Carl Behrendorff (vc)
Michael Strelan
Brad Dull
James (Friend of Chloe)
Name Unknown to me (Friend of Chloe)?
Name Unknown to me #2 (Friend of Carl)?

F=4 M=6-8?

Alana Folkes
Steph Moroz
Vanessa Brown

Dave Benfer
James Morrell
Luke Stark (vc)
Gavin Croft (c)
Dan Strelan

F=4 M=7


  1. some damn strong teams here! bodes well for the season ahead

  2. agreed great balance guys! (But Discheads can still win! :P)

  3. I think if Heroes get 8 guys one could move to Discheads to have 777. I would happily switch however being the recruit of Chloe and her friends it's probably best to be on their team.

  4. Great work guys and gals on pulling this together. Teams look smashing!

    I'm expecting to play in 2011 after I recover from my knee surgery on the 1st July. Doctor expects 4-6 months downtime/healing.

  5. A few notes:
    1. the guy I recruited is still keen but wont be able to play until the 6th (the 2nd game) his name is Raf

    2. Omar hasent as yet called me so Im guess he'll only do it on the monday. Therefore when he does I'll need to tell him to go to Griffith to play with A/O. But the problem is I already told him to buy green shirts. So can people perhaps bring some spare shirts to the game that night for omar and karen?

    3. Does Chloe have more than 1 other friend shes bringing? I thought it was just one. If so that would mean we have 7 guys, only when Raf can start playing

  6. 1. cool - get him registered

    2. i can bring red shirts...

    3. according to michael she has 2 interested friends. - get them registered!
