Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Its just like kissing Your baby sister

Right first things first, kissing your sister is the worst possible experience. Ok now that we've got that sorted, it is only second to having a draw in a ultimate match. Last night Heroes took on the baby chimies and we sort of expected a win from the last result.

Heroes started very well and were organized to take the lead 2-0. aL decided to step it up and so chimies answered back to take the score to 2-1. The teams traded and heroes managed to break the serve of the chimies to make the score 7-4. We thought we had the game in the bag basically which lead to some REALLY sloppy D and actually I was kinda ashamed that we let aL have so much room on the handle and so the babies brought it back to 9-8. The time cap was looming over the match and so the long huck became very valuable. Carl managed to huck it long and Dave caught it in the end zone. However chimies took the lead with some classic fatty to aL ultimate mixed in with some newer talent that the chimies had on offer. The game ended at 13 all. It was tense and both teams used their better players quite effectively in the clutch moments. Having said that as always in ultimate when there’s a draw one team feels as though they've won and one feels as though they lost... Heroes definitely felt as though we lost. BUT on post game reflection we had lots of fun, and used all our players, something of which we're proud of. All our girls worked well and we seemed to use the disc effectively when we decided not to cold drop it.

Btw Laura wants it mentioned that she scored 4 points and so I might give her the 3 points for MVP for the game!

As a team we have tried to focus on honouring good cuts (male or female) and the last few games have been a real testament to that. All in all Heroes played better than baby chimies and we felt like we should have won, it was definitely a well spirited game and we loved the hard contest we got.


  1. I think you've got the analogy wrong. Kissing your sister is a bit emotionless. Well not quite. It's just sorta not good and not bad. And it is certainly referring to on the cheek.

    When the Brisbane Lions won their first premiership Jason Akermanis said it was "better than sex". That's how you should (almost) feel after a good win.

  2. See I always thought it was on the lips.

  3. it's tongue

    and it's about time laura earnt some mvp points. she's been too cool for school since she took out the award that time :P
