Monday, April 19, 2010

BPL - A view from beneath

Well the first half of the season is down, and the Heroes have had a taste of each team. As this team is unknown to the BPL community, we see things a little differently. The following rankings are based on our experiences and other reports and results will be considered sparingly.

1. (2) Dojo - The rupturing of our metaphorical hymen was always going to be a messy, unforgettable and potentially traumatic experience. The Dojo were relentless, but had a "business-as-usual" approach. No hype was necessary. They executed their game-plan with indifference. While we will have a truck-load more confidence next time around, this welcome is hard to forget.

2. (5) SFC - Slamtown flattened our balls with a steam-roller. In contrast to the Dojo, they were all hype and high spirits. Their speed and athleticism was most impressive - the whirlwind oftentimes leaving us bewildered. To see them slip down so far on the ladder is surprising. Perhaps it shows that enthusiasm only gets you so far.

3. (6) Lovers - This is where things get ambiguous and confusing. The Lovers had no passion at all in the first half of our match. They had the countenance of a cancer patient begging to be put out of his misery. Out of nowhere, fearless leader Al Don created an ambush, and we were left helpless. They take #3 purely by the potential that was displayed.

4. (3) MBB - In reality, these guys will finish higher than SFC and Lovers. They play predictable, text-book ultimate, and they challenge you to beat them at it. Very patient and machine-like, with the ability to win most contested disc.

5. (1) Passion - This is most controversial. I was absent from our brawl, and it has been reported that Passion started poorly and then switched on the fist of fury to take the victory. This is not how we see it. Heroes claim that they stuck it to Passion before letting them back into the game. It was probably a mixture of both.

6. (4) Cobras - Early in the season, the Cobra's seemed like a group of athletic young men with bad attitudes. Their strats did not come off and they lacked discipline. They licked more than their wounds for over a week after losing to the Smackable Heroes.

7. (7) Heroes - Our performance? We are really pleased with how we are coming together as a team. Predicted as 15-3 easy-beats week in week out, we forced our critics to take us seriously with a win in game 2. We showed the UQ boys that they couldn't adopt their usual attitude toward us if they wanted to win and we fought hard against the Buggers. Low-lights include the SlamTown loss and the loss to Lovers after being up 8-2.

There you have it. Heroes - feel free to make corrections. Others - enjoy, comment, fight!


  1. Great work on the first half of the season boys. Keep working on those team systems and newer player skills.

    Get into the contest each week in the second half and don't leave all your post season recruiting too late.

