Friday, September 24, 2010

AGM Agenda

Saturday 16 October 2010 @ the Brewhouse

5pm(don't be late)-7pm
All Heroes Welcome!

Here is the agenda the meeting will follow:

1. Looking Back, Looking Forward

(a) Brief History (Dan/Sean to deliver)

(b) Huddy’s Vision

(c) Mission Statement

2. Vote on Incorporation

3. Discussion of Rules

(a) Objectives

(b) Membership

I- Cost

II- Renewal

III- Spirit Contract

(c) Anything else

4. Vote in Positions with Discussion of Roles/Objectives/Concerns prior to voting.

(a) President (direction, vision, enthusiasm, chairperson at meetings)

(b) Vice President (support to President, in charge in President’s absence)

(c) Treasurer (bank account, all financial records, petty cash, getting accounts audited annually)

I- Bank account

(d) Secretary (calling meetings, keeping minutes at meetings, keeping a record of members, any other correspondence)

(e) BUML Liaison Officer (support to BUML d2 captains, facilitate players changing teams)

(f) Elite Level Officer (support BPL and BUML d1 captains, facilitate selection of players)

(g) Training Officer (club coach, securing fields, running drills, organising coaches, pick up, liaising with BUML and Elite Officers)

I- Fields

II- Separate specialised training for BPL, d1, WUFL

(h) Technical Officer (construction/maintenance of website, blogsite, mailing list)

I- Website

II- Blogsite

III- Mailing List

IV- Advertising

(i) Ordering Officer (uniforms, discs, other merchandise ideas)

I- Uniforms (including ‘green policy’)

II- Discs

(j) Party Liaison Officer (social events, parties, bbq’s, camping, beach trips)

(k) Tournament Liaison Officer (communicating tournaments and facilitating the entry of teams)

I- Mixed nationals 2011

II- WUCC 2014

(l) Heroes Tournament Director (hosting our own annual tournament)

(m) Fundraising Officer (grants – QLD government/AFDA, sausage sizzles, advertising)

(n) Any Others

(o) General Members of the Management Committee (help out wherever possible, able to attend and vote at quarterly Management Committee meetings)

5. Anything else

Take a short moment to read Huddy's vision and plan for WUCC 2014
. What do you think?

Have a go at writing a Mission Statement (perhaps based on the objectives below)
. Here are two that have been submitted already: 'To play, promote and develop fun, skilled, and spirited Ultimate' and 'Playing our hardest for the most enjoyable and spirited Ultimate.'

Also take a longer moment to read over the model rules of Incorporated Associations if you can be bothered. Added to that will be our objectives - so far looking like this:

To play enjoyable Ultimate Disc.

To set the standard of spirit on and off the field.

To encourage and foster new players to Ultimate.

To maintain socially playing members.

To develop elite level players.

To support our governing bodies (BUDA, QUDA, AFDA for example) where possible in their tasks of growing and strengthening the sport of Ultimate Disc.

Membership will also be discussed and voted on, so have a think about how much you would be happy to pay (if anything) to see this club reach its potential. Personally I would support a single level of membership with a $10 annual fee (a) because its affordable and (b) because it would be enough to get the ball rolling with orders for discs and uniforms as well as potential field hire/come and try days/parties/whatever!

The spirit contract would be a way of communicating the vision and spirit of the club to all players, as well as being a means of accountability for players who show patterns of bad spirit.

When you were looking through the positions did anything take your fancy? Is there something that you would like to do that isn't currently on the list? Nominations will of course still be welcome on the night but if you'd like to nominate yourself for a position now please email with the subject title Nomination For. I will compile the pre-nominations and post them in the week leading up to the meeting.

If you have anything else you would like discussed/voted on at the meeting get in touch and I will put it on the agenda. If you don't you can still bring it up, just at the end of the meeting when everyone's getting antsy for the party. If you have general comments please make them below

Saturday 16 October 2010 @ the Brewhouse

5pm(don't be late)-7pm
See you there!

And don't forget about the Brew Ha Ha celebration directly following the meeting - more details to come soon...


  1. We have an surplus (somewhere between 30 and 100 bucks) of league fees / shirt purchases that has added up from late sign ups. At the time of collecting fees I mentioned that any excess fees will be go towards the end of season party, so therefore I move that this can go towards the first few jugs / some chips to eat during the meeting.

  2. I disagree, as I have found that having $90 floating around has helped with things like tournament fees, deposits and tardy payments. We may also need to pay $200 to secure Oakman, so why doesn't everyone just buy their own chips and beer.

  3. Im sure mikey can just shout everyone instead. I agree with Danny on this one. Chris would support, engineers love beer

  4. Rick and Chris, when are you putting in your nominations for Party Liaison Officer?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh gosh.. I finally had a look at the AGM agenda on my iphone as the formatting is screwy on the computer for me and well, have fun trying to get quorom or getting people to agree on motions if you have that many officers!!

  7. crap, I'll be out camping in Girraween that weekend :(

  8. I don't know if this is the right channel to raise the subject which I would like to see discussed at the AGM- But I would be intrested to discuss the possibility of selecting an A and a B grade mens team, where the A side represents the club at BPL and the B side provides competition for sundays training.

  9. interesting idea tom

    i don't think we'll have time to discuss this at the agm, but i'm nominating for elite level officer, so this can be something that i look at with a few guys if i fill the role
