Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A good night for the club all round

Last night was a very good round for the HUC with all teams recording 2 point wins.

Heroes 13 D Dyspnoeics 11
AayOhh 10 D Mellow Yellow 8
Discheads 12 D Baby Chimis 10

Well done to all teams and players Im sure there were lots of exciting moments to blog about. So get up your captains if they arent doing it :P


  1. On a side note, and witout making a 'post' check out an updated Heroes members list, with new names added

  2. Good work Heroes, Agents, and Discheads!

  3. Perhaps this is a good omen for WUFL and BPL this week

  4. Carl, Helen didn't actually play with us on Saturday. She changed teams and played for Sugar at the last second due to injuries on their team.
