Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OnThePitch going after a superstar in the making

As the season draws to a end it is timely to talk more with players of the club. And who was more likely than this guy... Bevan kindley sat down and answered some of our questions.

Right Bevan, whats drawn you to play ultimate? You're abilities seem to be endless, you could play anything?
Honestly, I would be playing aussie rules if I could, but ultimate allows me to play without training several times a week. This said, ultimate is very athletic, and I love running and jumping all over the place. Lastly, I love getting to play with all my mates and have a laugh whether I'm winning or losing.
Yea I guess having a laugh is the most important thing...  Tell me a bit more about yourself?
Currently doing my cert III in Horticulture at TAFE, enjoying that. I also enjoy cycling but have a flat tire so I have had to give that up.
As we turned the halfway mark of the BPL season, can you provide an insight for the readers to the BPL team that is Heroes?
I think we are beginning to play to each others strengths a bit more, working better as a team. We have the drive to become a great team, and if the boys continue with the attitude we have now, it will happen.
How has your own form been? I notice you've collected enough nominations for the BPL MVP award...
Enough? ENOUGH?? When someone has had/got enough of something that usually means they wouldn't like or do not need any more. As I would be happy to acquire more, I will disagree with you saying that I have enough. That said, I encourage/challenge any of you Heroes to take points from the rest of the season. It can only benefit us as a team if we are all trying to step up. I have been happy with the way I have played in several games this season, but I still have plenty of room for improvement. I want to play well consistently, I want to increase my decision making and positioning on the field, and I want to lay out more.
What has surprised you/not surprised you this season compared to last?
I can't think of anything that has really surprised me. It's interesting to see the changes in teams after a few player swaps, looks like a pretty close season so far. I would like to be surprised by the boys this Thursday night with a points grabbing performance!
Ok, lets move this back to a Monday night. You seem to be the on field leader of the discheads, while spaz and jo take the official responsibilities? are you ok with that? is that something you would like to change in the future?
I'm ok continuing things the way they are. I love playing for the Discheads, and enjoy trying to help us play better. I guess because I have played for longer, I feel like I can help us keep improving, but mainly the fact that the team listens to me and is willing to learn is the reason I want to help out. We are a great team, and we have lots of fun playing together.
Will we ever see a return to this?

There is always a chance when the weather gets a bit cooler each year that I may avoid the clipper a bit longer. I don't think it will get that big again without encouragement though.

What is the secret to your super human talents?
I don't have any super human talents. Although I do eat at least one can of cold baked beans a week, and love a tall glass of cold (full cream) milk, this has got to help. I have heard rumours of a Tom Rudolph possessing such talents.
Ha there you have it, if you want to know what its like to be Bevan, just eat a can of cold baked beans!! Righto, What is your favorite number?
Most people would assume it's 33. I was going to ask for number 5 when ordering my heroes jersey, but then was queried as to why I wasn't getting 33. I'm going to say my favourite is 33, but number 5 is also superb.

Who on the Heroes BPL team would you turn gay for?
Anyone if they win a game for us.

Ok last question...
Angus and Julia Stone OR Ultimate?


  1. I'd just like to put my full encouragement behind a return to that picture.
    More protection for layouts, maybe?

  2. Girlfriend OR Ultimate?

  3. I don't recommend combining the two.

  4. I do, its been great playing with Laura in d2!!! everyone should encourage their spouses to play
    Plus then when you want to play more often theyll understand right ;-)

  5. Hmmm... well I guess ultimate is the reason Adam and I met so we didn't really have a choice! It is great going to tournaments together, but I think everyone here has already seen me telling Adam off on the field!
