Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Discheads battle it out over the arch-nemesis

For many it would seem a lifetime ago since last Monday evening as Dyspnoeics fought out the d2 BUML title against HUCs own Discheads. The blog talk was a buzz (not this buzz) and many thought the game would be a landslide if the BUB tipping was to be trusted but with the Dyspnoeics fielding a very strong line with the likes of coops, jimmy, anna and suz to name a few, DHs were going to have an up hill battle.On top of that Bev was dealing with the old shin splints and two girls (lisa and sarah) out due to injury. But nothing could wreck the DHs spirit. In fact craig left home at 5.45pm to get to the field to be sure to be warmed up and ready to go. Well done son.
I wont try and amuse readers with a score trail but I will highlight some great passages of play that I remember from the side line. One of those was a score from craig where he was playing long against a zone made a good hard long cut, then doubled back under losing his mark and received the disc. He dishie dumped and sprinted long to the end zone to take a great huck thrown around the cup to score. That was a great passage of play. Bev should also be commended with his handling all night and esp his D pressure was outstanding. I saw a horizontal Bevan layoutD to block a scoring pass, with that the DHs lifted and extended their lead to be too far in front of Dysnoeics. Last possession was called and the dark blues easily controlled the disc to score, but too little to late. The game was Discheads. This capped off a stella season and congratulations to all DHs players.
We've found some ol'photos of the night and after all pictures say a thousand words, so this blogger can stop writing. Have a browse and leave comments where you wish.


  1. personally i like the last photo the best

  2. Have Dyspnoeics always been the arch-nemisis of Discheads? Or are the very amiable and personable Dyspnoeics the arch-nemesis of the Heroes Ultimate Gang (HUG) as a whole? Either way I was unaware of this clearly festering animosity lol

  3. and don't be silly anonymous, Carl is yesterday's news. Welcome to the Age of Craig!

  4. we need a camera with a decent lense

    agree with all of mansauce

    nice wrap up carl

  5. dstrel these photos are the best of a bad bunch too.
