Friday, November 26, 2010

Special trainings- basics that rarely get taught

Hi Everyone,

While I'm in Brisbane I will be running some special trainings to help improve some of the basic skills amongst Heroes Club players. There will be 3 parts to this series.

Part 1- Throwing
There are many small improvements that everyone can make on their throws, but it's hard to make a change and consistently use it.  So to help with this, I will be running 4-5 throwing sessions through the coming week.  They will be centrally located (Roma st or Botanical gardens), and morning or afternoon depending on what suits the most people who are interested.  Could everyone who is interested please email me ( so I can determine numbers and what suits people.

Part 2- Catching
Not as straight forward as it seems.  There are many aspects to improving catching, and we will go over these at training on Wednesday evening, 7pm at Oakman; naturally followed by a game.

Part 3- Game Play & Cohesion (TBC)
This session will focus on some elements to improve game-play as well as playing cohesion and positional awareness.  A time will be announced when this session is confirmed.


  1. Love the enthusiasm Huddy. Won't be able to make any more disc commitments at the moment unfortunately, but I hope these training sessions get some interest as they sound valuable.

  2. Yay to Roma St - that's where I work.

  3. As with Jamie, too many disc commitments atm unfortunately. Will be there for Sunday afternoon sessions though!
