Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Social Media

Not so recently, Sensei declared on the DojoMoJoBlog that reading match reports was tiresome. It has also been said that JdR's controversial posts are waning. Steve juiced up his column with some BPL related gossip, Jason hit back with a tongue in cheek look at previous controversy, only to be mistaken for an attack on the LD. JdR's comments were fuelled by The Mayor of Slamtown, who regularly makes outlandish comments on his teams blog.

Now occasionally, bloggers get in trouble for seemingly criticizing those in administration roles. What's often forgotten is that we do this for FUN, and in stirring the pot, we may not fully believe what we say but it's sometimes worth looking at things in a different light. I think that this is a lot of fun, and it helps our little ultimate community feel more important. For this reason, I present to you the big names in ultimate blogging.

1. The Mayor

Stefan "Spaz" Rappazzo is a Mayor of a small town who is constantly campaigning for the next election. Lots of noise and fanfare, outrageous claims and promises, absolutely ridiculous persona (on the blogosphere). He has implemented one very important and strong policy, and that is the weekly rolling out of the BPL Power Rankings. Each week, The Mayor gives a candid, albeit SFC-biased opinion on how the teams are performing. We applaud him for this and predict another term in office for Spaz (not to be confused with Sebastian Brown of HUC).

2. Sensei

When Heroes first joined the BPL, I was told "No one really listens to Steven Cameron". This is a shame, as he often has some well-thought-out ideas when it comes to BPL administration. Sensei takes on the villian persona and runs with it, dishing up "Courier-mail style" gossip on a very irregular basis (last post 1 month ago). Sensei probably won't read this, as he's only concerned with Dojo news, which is actually quite interesting when the use of video is incorporated.

Sensei has claimed that "Byes s*ck". We know that forfeits are even worse, so maybe it's time for Dojo to assimilate into other teams, as they narrowly avoided another forfeit in the final game. (Here is a great example of a blogger saying something for controversy's sake.. not a serious suggestion but an interesting prod)

How did this end up sounding so bad? I appreciate Steven's input into a discussion, it's entertaining and often-times solid.

3. JdR

The King. JdR has come under fire lately for making assumptions for the sake of a good news piece. I dig his style. While this has directly effected Heroes leadership in the past, it was uneducated responses from our members that was the most irritating. The King of innuendo, and not only the sexual type. Jason uses the "royal we" or "we at the stately BUB mansion" to convey a tongue-in-cheek meaning. A lot of his "controversial" pieces may not have 100% accurate details, but they bring attention to an issue that may otherwise be ignored. It's best to think about what he is really trying to achieve before you get too worked up.

4. Carl

Carl is the founder of this incredible blog. His grammatical errors and poor spelling at times give us something to snicker about, and some of his sporting jargon often leaves me wondering whether he has used it correctly (the sayings in themselves are strange). Carl likes to blog about himself and his lovely fiancee Laura. This is all entertaining for those inside the club, and we thank Carl for putting us on the map and keeping the wheels running. Well done champ.

5. Kaitlin

It's a scientific fact that female comedian's aren't funny (go on, name one), but that's usually in reference to stand-up and not blogging. If Kaitlin has a blog, I'm unaware of it, but her comments on the Dojo and BUB blogs have been provocative, riotous, scathing, juicy and pretty spot on. More please!

Now I've spent an hour bringing this to who? I find myself asking "Why?". My novice linking will probably fail anyway and render most of this useless. I'm sorry.


  1. Dstrel I dont know why the Social media link takes you to the Dojo Blog... In fact why did you put it in the title link?
    I'll get some of the 'bigger' bloggers to teach you how to put a link in the text sometime later.

    Also putting in pictures of these big names would help me to see and recongize them around the traps so I can say G'day and pat them on their back for doing such a great job of making us all laugh.

  2. What, you don't read the Buggers blog with Mike? (Didn't you use to play for them, DStrel?) Its a great contrast to read something straight - not everyone needs to try to be funny or clever.

  3. A female comedian that is funny: Josh Thomas from Talkin' bout your Generation! Ha! Oh wait he's not funny....

    If we are also looking at QLD ultimate as a whole, how about Hugh & Co. in TownTown. The spelling and grammar mistakes are even worse than Carl and more than 1 post has been written when blind drunk.

  4. I think the true reflection of how good a blog is can be determined by the amount of drunken posts its has...luckily we have Mikey Strelan for that
