Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Discheads progress @ the expense of their green family

The first semi final between Discheads and Heroes was poised to be an interesting game given the last two outings these teams had. DHs winning easily both occasions, but this was finals ultimate and nothing before matters.


DHs came out early from the blocks and quickly broke us and put a score on to lead 2-0. Heroes were somewhat flustered and put a strong zone on the DHs and clogged the disc very well. We marched to 4-2 to take the lead and force the DHs to have a time out. Oh but before that Sarah from discheads became the latest casualty from Annerllys field 3a (or b which ever is the pot holely field) and did her ankle.
The two teams traded points I think to about 8-6. Then DHs put the after burners on and steam rolled the green Heroes to win in the end 12-10.

The game was really played in two patches of dominance. Heroes played very well in the first half of the game and DHs brought the intensity in the later stages. Well played DHs. I said everything that needed to be said in the circle after the game. Get out there next week and give the Heroes Ultimate Club our first BUML league championship.
Heres some photos of the action
Darryl White flies high
Lets raise our arms right, NOW...

Strange photo, normally the 'drag' goes behind the direction of the object? (Explanations? cause the disc looks to be in good focus...)
Hehe look at laura in the middle

Foul by MattS above?!?!?!
Craig shows who's boss. Nice vertical leap too
Safe strelan secures the swing

high fives all round as bev and mattS talk tactics
the high chaddy forehand swing. Notice the knee on the ground

I pose like this
Mr intense
Mr relaxed
Chan gets the D, i think...
These heroes love the gournded knee forehand
Nice result
Laura loves the green on green, AND SO DO I
Forehand by Carl, without grounding knee

Feel the love


  1. Well done Discheads!

    will the camera be making an appearance for the final next week?

  2. Will Heroes be supporting Discheads at next weeks Grand Final by having a BBQ and beers? I think that would be a good idea

  3. Normally we would, BUT QUDA are already putting on pizza and beers. So as always we'll be stingy and eat theirs...

    Yes there will be more photos

  4. I dunno if the camera person was using a flash or not, but a long exposure used in conjuction with a flash can result in the above phenomenon I believe.

  5. good shots!

    should be a good finals match. dyspnoeics have a great core of experience but discheads are getting pretty dangerous!

  6. Actually Carl, they are only putting on pizza and soft drink. So yes, Heroes WILL be bringing beer. But no, it won't be for sale as that would be illegal.

  7. rick, I'll chip in some beer as well...do Heroes have a decent size esky?

  8. Nice recap Carl and really nice to see the pics up. I love my mo in the last pic, really stands out there haha.

    I think your numbers with points were a bit off. As I remember it was 3-3 and then you guys broke up to go 5-3. At this stage I was stressing bad and called the time out. We decide to calm down and play with level heads etc... We do the opposite and you guys go up another 2 to get to 7-3! We then traded to 8-4 before Discheads managed to (somehow) turn things around from what looked like an inevitable defeat. We took the next 7 in a row to go 11-8. Momentum is a valuable thing in frisbee and I think we are very fortunate that it swung our way.

    As was said yesterday, thanks for a fantastic game Heroes! This was probably the toughest, most competitive match I've been a part of which was awesome.

  9. What if Heroes accepted donations and gave beer to people who donated?

  10. I think I speak for everyone when i say we all want more photos of Carl

  11. Laura, you don't speak for everyone =P ^^ (actually this could be carl as he has a history of speaking about himself in the third person)

  12. Firstly I know for a fact laura would not have had a chance to be on a computer at 4:41pm today. Plus she never comes on this blog.
    Secondly no it was not me but still anonymous makes a good point don't you think??? :P

    I would more likely think it to be Mansauce actually, he has a habit to get at me :P

    Oh and mansauce, I guess thats fair enough, if you donate to the beer esky you get a beer... hmmm makes sense

  13. On the photo captioned "Chan gets the D, i think..." I was totally going to call a foul on Chris, but I was probably not a contender.

  14. Pretty sure its legal to accept donations for gifts of beer.. Strange but not as strange as some of the laws kicking around our state..
