Friday, August 27, 2010

Annerley ground a dust heap

I remember the Annerley ground being fairly good with a respectable grass coverage with a soft surface. What happened to those days? Last night I played on field 3b and I would be generous to say only half of the surface actually had grass on it. The rest was open dirt and hard baked dirt at that. Is this something we have to just put up with? Surely the soccer guys dont like this either? What can we do about this?


  1. The more you lay out on it the faster the grass grows

  2. Also the harder you run, the more of your bodily fluids are transferred into the ground in sweat.

  3. its not very hard baked dirt, its pretty soft compared to what it has been previously. Where if you even thought about laying out you ended up bleeding.

  4. i did layout and i did end up bleeding. I grazed my face, hand and really badly on my shoulder too. I bruised my knee and couldnt run the remainder of the night. It felt pretty hard to me.

  5. It was a pretty crappy layout though...

  6. It's like a fine powder of snow, it's beautiful. You just slide across the top.
