Monday, August 9, 2010

Croft's goes down as Dstrel questions training surface

Ala Mick Malthouse and other annoying know-it-alls of the AFL, I see it as my duty to draw attention to the sub-par condition of our beloved Wests training oval. After asking out loud "What the f*#< is up with my ankles?!?", it was brought to my attention that a number of us pulled up sore after Sunday's session. Dave was complaining (no alarms and no surprises please) of ankle soreness, as was James. Could this have contributed to Gav's demise tonight and Luke "all" Star(ks) injury the week prior. For the sake of sensationalist media, the latter case must be considered, and the fact that Luke doesn't train on this ground should be disregarded entirely.

Who else has problems with the surface? Should we consider Oakman?

That is all.


  1. I'd like it noted that I've trained on that surface at least 2 or 3 times, thank you very much!

  2. the surface was poor but i would still lay out on it

  3. the surface is rubbish. no one questions that at all, certainly not my ankle having rolled it there at training too!
    Perhaps shifting to the OTHER field just next to it would be an idea. Would also consider going to Oakman park too.

    Also whats up with the heroes snapping themselves on each other, like jamie and dave

  4. I didn't train on the Sunday just passed... but I do enjoy sensationalist media

  5. Still sidelined this week due to my ankle injury, I enjoyed a chat with Adam Dowley. On Sunday just passed he became the latest victim of ankle strain at our sylvan rd training grounds...
