Monday, August 23, 2010

UQ Lovers fight Super Heroes with Kryptonite

Below is an accurate representation of the Super Heroes performance this evening.

However, not to mean any offense to UQ, but there was at least one point where we decided to put on a zone and the following picture depicts their initial response.

To their credit they probably scored from that anyway.

We went down 17-1, closely avoiding the removal of our pants.


  1. The night was definitely not Heroes, but belonged to UQ. One moment that tippified this was when Gref cut into the endzone, slipped and fell on his arse, then laying flat on his back managed to reach out and catch it with his finger tips.

    We had an ultimate fail last night, with everything had could have gone wrong, going wrong.

  2. Heads up Heroes! Next week is a brand new game.
