Monday, August 16, 2010

Disheads are gonna get it

According to the BUML draw Heroes tonight are playing against "Disheads", and my prediction is that Discheads will get pantsed 17 - 0. Now I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce Disheads, is it Dish Heads or is it more like Diss Heads?

Urban Dictionary defines a dishead as "A person that abuses ecstacy" and another Google search returned a bible verse from Mark 6 "The man went, beheaded John in the prison, and brought back his head on a platter." Either way, neither of these give me the impression that Disheads stand a chance against the mighty Heroes tonight.

Got smack talk? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. The real question is whether we make them walk around the field with their shorts pulled down afterwards

  2. Depends if carl brakes down again. Me thinks he will either throw rubbish(like normal) or pulla trademark 'carl' as its known in dicshead circles.

  3. I don't even want to play anymore. Heroes sound like arrogant dicks.

  4. What was the result of this game by the way?


  5. Frisbee was the winner in the end. Discheads got up 15-11 after a SHOCKING start by Heroes. After about 8-2 the Heroes put their game face on and both teams played some brilliant Frisbee.

  6. Mikey considering you were the one to post the smack talk maybe you should officaly annouce the loss via the methods with a nice post game review as well!?!

  7. Agreed. Even agent orange finds time to give match reports. Alternatively to mikeys report, it would also be good to see one from discheads slamming heroes and their all talk no action attitude.
