Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Slammin' It Heroes Style

Ok boys, it's time to fire up!

We take on Slamtown this Thursday, and we have a great chance of winning. Slamtown have beaten UQ, but I think we could have done this as well.

What Slamtown have going for them:

A talented list and butt-loads of enthusiasm. They also have to travel for an hour together to get to the games, so they're fired up and play for each other. There will be a lot of noise at the start of the game and they will attempt some long throws.

It's up to us Heroes to scrap hard, to get men back fast to shut down those options.

I believe we have as much potential as any other team. It just needs releasing. Here are a few reasons why I believe this.

Let's look at the list.

We have Carl. Aside from becoming a great handler, he's fired up and is determined to take the boys with him.

Jangles is our most elite player at this stage. He came across to help us get somewhere. Although he loves being the star, I reckon he'll enjoy playing with us more if we can step up and embrace our skill.. he'll put it to you if you go for it.

The return of Matt Boevink to Ultimate has been celebrated by many. Matt's so keen to be around frisbee, it's gotta be contagious. Aside from the great coaching expertise, he's going great in the midfield, and he's believed in us for a long time.

Gavin Croft is larger than life. He's not tall, but he has presence and can pull down big grabs. His thunder thighs boost his speed as he flashes down the wing.

Let's look at TomSteve. This guy can play. He'll try anything, so let's expect that, and be ready to embrace some creative ultimate. Get amongst it!

Our recruit from the deep South, Adam, gives us some height in D while consolidating our handling line. Him and his fiancee Robyn have seemed to embrace our clubs at all levels, even though we have struggled to put points on the board. He has some valuable experience from Ultimate Evolution in Adelaide, and it's exciting for us to have him.

Chris-the-Fox is far more than our token Canadian. He's passionate about bringing the most out our club at all levels, and makes great commitment at training. I reckon the midfield is the place for Chris.

I haven't met Juan yet, but I've heard good things. It's always good to have a Colombian - they seem to have very slick handling and laying out skills (I hope he's Colombian!).

James Morrell is an angry man! But he's channeling this in good directions and has really stepped up of late, pulling down big grabs and focusing teams on the task at hand.

Brenton - did he turn up last week?

Tom Naulty is a great guy to train with. Bit slow with the communication channels, but we'll have this guy turning up regularly soon and throwing those sweet hammers from the midfield into the endzone.

Bevan "Darryl White" Rudolph is a closet superstar. The opposition are constantly surprised when their tall guy is out marked by Bev, but I'm not and neither is Bev. I don't think Bev makes mistakes, does he? Ok, so there might be a few over the years, but what I mean is that he knows where to run and where to put it.. reads the play, as they say.

Rick plays harder than anyone. He'll often layout D and commit to the disc, even if it's in the carpark! We could all take a queue from our newest BPL recruit in that regard.

Your fearless leader, Dan. What can I say? I think about this club a lot, obviously. I have big dreams and want to see them come to fruition. I'm trying to throw a disc every day. Let's get excited about our matches, boys!


  1. #%#@ you im not !@#$*ing angry!!!!!

  2. If you're picking up the Juan I met in Melbourne, he's got a great motor. Runs at 80% ALL the time! hard to run with.

    Good luck Heroes!
